domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2009

The Audio Lingual Approach

The audio-lingual method was widely used in the United States and other countries in the 1950's and 1960's. It is still used in some programs today.

Approach Theory of language

The Structural view of language is the view behind the audio-lingual method. Particular emphasis was laid on mastering the building blocks of language and learning the rules for combining them.

Theory of learning Behaviorism, including the following principles:

  • Language learning is habit-formation.
  • Mistakes are bad and should be avoided, as they make bad habits.
  • Language skills are learned more effectively if they are presented orally first, then in written form analogy is a better foundation for language learning than analysis the meanings of words can be learned only in a linguistic and cultural context.

Design Objectives

  • Here are some of the objectives of the audio-lingual method:
  • Accurate pronunciation and grammar ability to respond quickly and accurately in speech situations knowledge of sufficient vocabulary to use with grammar patterns.

The syllabus

  • Audiolingualism uses a structural syllabus.
  • Types of learning techniques and activities dialogues drills.


  • Here is a typical procedure in an audio-lingual course.
  • Students hear a model dialogue.
  • Students repeat each line of the dialogue.
  • Certain key words or phrases may be changed in the dialogue Key structures from the dialogue serves the basis for pattern drills of different kinds.
  • The students practice substitutions in the pattern drills.

Created by: Jorge Ulises Maldonado Rojas

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